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Navigating the Hiring Maze in the Automotive Industry: Challenges & Solutions

The automotive industry, a cornerstone of technological innovation and economic development, faces unique hiring challenges in today's competitive landscape. From technical skills shortages to global talent competition, recruiters are grappling with complexities that demand innovative solutions.

In this article, we will delve into five prominent hiring challenges in the automotive sector and explore strategies to overcome them. Lastly, as a bonus, we're providing you a unique opportunity to be part of a webinar we're hosting with Volvo Cars and BMW Group on the Emerging Trends in the Automotive Industry (check out the bottom of the page).

Now let's dive in.


1. Technical Skills Shortage

A report by ManpowerGroup revealed that a staggering 69% of employers in the automotive sector struggle to fill positions due to a lack of available talent with the required technical skills. 

At the same time, the automotive sector boasts the highest concentration of robots in global factory operations, with the operational stock reaching an unprecedented milestone of approximately 1 million units, according to the International Federation of Robotics (IFR).  This figure accounts for roughly one-third of the total installed across various industries.

While robots can be helpful with certain tasks, human skills remain indispensable, especially in creative problem-solving and complex decision-making. To bridge the gap between technical skills and requirements, it's crucial for employers to take a comprehensive approach to the application and hiring process.

Utilizing targeted job search channels, offering competitive benefits, and emphasizing career development opportunities, including training programs and upskilling, can attract skilled professionals. 

Another way to address the talent shortage issue is to offer apprenticeships and internships to attract and train new talent. By investing in their employees, employers can create a positive work environment and attract new talent to the industry.

In essence, the automotive industry confronts a huge technical skills shortage, necessitating a holistic strategy. Despite its leadership in robotics, the indispensability of human skills persists in the industry. To address this gap, employers should prioritize targeted recruitment, competitive benefits, and training initiatives. The introduction of apprenticeships and internships can attract fresh talent, while effective retention strategies ensure the industry remains an enduring career choice.

2. Global Talent Competition

The demand for skilled automotive engineers is expected to grow by 10% by 2025, creating fierce global competition, a study by Korn Ferry says. 

This competition raises concerns about employee retention in the sector as rival companies vie for skilled professionals by offering superior packages and opportunities. Effectively attracting and retaining top talent demands innovative recruitment strategies and a commitment to employee satisfaction. Retention efforts require the establishment of a supportive work environment, featuring competitive salaries, benefits and career growth opportunities to ensure employee motivation and satisfaction.

In response to the prevailing hybrid working trend, automotive companies should acknowledge the importance of flexible working conditions to address the industry's long hours and demanding schedules. Striking a balance between work and personal life can become pivotal in curbing dissatisfaction and reducing turnover rates. Thus, it´s recommended for companies to implement policies promoting work-life balance, including adaptable working hours, telecommuting options, and wellness programs

Aside from this, the organizational culture significantly influences employee satisfaction and retention. A positive work environment fostering teamwork, open communication, and recognition can contribute to higher retention rates. This basically means that employers should invest in cultivating a supportive and inclusive culture that values its workforce.

The demand for skilled automotive engineers is expected to grow by 10% by 2025, creating fierce global competition, a study by Korn Ferry says. 

This competition raises concerns about employee retention in the sector as rival companies vie for skilled professionals by offering superior packages and opportunities. Effectively attracting and retaining top talent demands innovative recruitment strategies and a commitment to employee satisfaction. Retention efforts require the establishment of a supportive work environment, featuring competitive salaries, benefits and career growth opportunities to ensure employee motivation and satisfaction.

In response to the prevailing hybrid working trend, automotive companies should acknowledge the importance of flexible working conditions to address the industry's long hours and demanding schedules. Striking a balance between work and personal life can become pivotal in curbing dissatisfaction and reducing turnover rates. Thus, it´s recommended for companies to implement policies promoting work-life balance, including adaptable working hours, telecommuting options, and wellness programs

Aside from this, the organizational culture significantly influences employee satisfaction and retention. A positive work environment fostering teamwork, open communication, and recognition can contribute to higher retention rates. This basically means that employers should invest in cultivating a supportive and inclusive culture that values its workforce.

In navigating the challenges of global talent competition, automotive companies must not only focus on attracting skilled professionals but also prioritize robust retention strategies. By creating a work environment that supports growth, implements flexible working conditions, and fosters a positive culture, employers can not only retain their top talent but also position themselves as industry leaders in employee satisfaction and success.

3. Rapid Technological Changes

In the dynamic landscape of the automotive industry, marked by rapid technological evolution, a noteworthy 94% of automotive CEOs express concern about the availability of crucial skills in their workforce, as revealed by a PwC study. 

The urgency to adapt to emerging technologies requires the identification of candidates possessing both current expertise and the skill of a keen adaptability to technological shifts.

While robots undeniably play a role in streamlining certain tasks, human attributes such as intuition, creativity, and emotional intelligence are irreplaceable in navigating the intricacies of the evolving tech terrain. Thus, recognizing the importance of this human-machine synergy, a strategic hybrid approach emerges as indispensable for companies aiming to not just keep pace but lead in this dynamic tech landscape.

To sum up, in the swiftly evolving automotive industry adaptability is becoming one of the top required skills. Adapting to emerging technologies requires candidates with both current expertise and adaptability. While robots optimize tasks, human attributes like intuition and creativity are irreplaceable. Recognizing this synergy, a strategic hybrid approach is crucial for companies not just to keep pace but to lead in this dynamic tech landscape, ensuring sustained success and competitiveness.

4. Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives

The McKinsey report underscores a concerning statistic: only 22% of the automotive industry's workforce comprises women. In response, fostering diversity and inclusion becomes imperative, serving as a catalyst for innovation and growth. 

One of the ways to achieve DE&I is the organization of mentorship and sponsorship programs that offer additional avenues for women's inclusion, ensuring seamless onboarding, accelerated skill acquisition, and a sense of belonging. Establishing resource groups and DEI councils provides a dedicated space for diverse voices, encouraging discussions and innovative initiatives. Complementing these efforts, workshops and training sessions led by DEI experts can play a vital role in raising awareness, dismantling biases, and promoting inclusivity in day-to-day interactions.

In essence, the gender disparity is not merely a numerical concern but a loss of diverse perspectives and leadership styles crucial for driving innovation and corporate growth. Thus, companies should make an effort to restore the balance of the female workforce in the industry. 

5. Aging Workforce and Succession Planning

With a substantial 30% of the automotive industry's workforce surpassing the age of 55, the critical need for effective succession planning has become undeniable. 

However, succession planning isn't solely a concern for top leadership; it extends to preserving the wealth of organizational knowledge possessed by seasoned professionals. This includes insights into processes, intricacies of machinery, and effective collaboration within teams.

To tackle this challenge, implementing mentorship programs and skill development initiatives is paramount. Knowledge-sharing platforms can further facilitate a seamless transition of knowledge to the upcoming generation of professionals. Leveraging the wealth of knowledge from experienced employees for roles in mentoring, training, or apprenticeship program support is a strategic move.

Maintaining a delicate balance between seasoned professionals and emerging talent is essential for sustained success. Encouraging retirement-age employees to remain on board, potentially in part-time or consultant roles (within legal boundaries), can contribute significantly to this equilibrium. 

Flexibility and a creative approach to keeping institutional knowledge accessible are pivotal in minimizing disruptions and frustrations during this transitional period. Proactive and strategic succession planning emerges as the linchpin in ensuring the longevity and continued success of the automotive industry amidst an aging workforce.

Final Thoughts

In summary, the automotive industry confronts diverse hiring challenges, including technical skills shortages, global talent competition, rapid technological changes, diversity and inclusion gaps, and an aging workforce. To tackle these issues, the industry must adopt tailored strategies such as targeted recruitment, innovative retention methods, adaptability to tech shifts, diversity and inclusion initiatives, and proactive succession planning. By actively addressing these challenges, the automotive sector can position itself as a leader in talent management, innovation, and sustained growth.


Workfully is happy to host a webinar with Volvo Cars and BMW Group on one of the most discussed topics - the new recruitment trends in automotive. Join the event to learn about the current recruitment challenges in the industry and how the future will look like in the automotive world.

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